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Odds 'n' Sods

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Car pics. September 2005.
I was lucky to come across this old car on Nose Hill earlier this year.
Does anyone know what year and make it is, and what its history is?
Gord's friend thinks it's a 1952 Austin A40 Devon. More pics.

Roy Scarisbrick

Various biking movies.











These next few pictures are taken in the area north east of the Brisebois parking lot.
That area must have had a home in it.


I've never had a good guess at what this was for.

It's not very visible here, but there's a cement foundation here.



Some unknown discards.


June flowers.


Check out the Friends of Nose Hill Society.
Roy took these pictures.



For other hikes, bikes, and adventures, go back to the Staff page and look around.

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Credits: Photography and artistic design: Carol Guthrie.

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