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Odds 'n' Sods

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Baker Crescent, N.W. Calgary
July 15th, 2002







The gang ready to sign the papers.

Signing the papers.



Joan & Jack toasting to the sale.

The new owners.



Friends, John and Holly just happened to be in town and came to witness the papers. Allison, the daughter, was the main contact for the sale.

Allison pours bubbly while the rest of us wait.



Possession Date - July 14th, 2002







Now that we had the house our first big job was ripping out carpets so we could get the hardwood floors redone.
Thanks to Doris, Doug and Esther for all their hard work.








We spent a whole day removing carpet but mainly pulling nails and staples out of the floors.


Living Room/Dining Room
Once the floors were done it was time to paint the living room and dining room and make curtains.


Here Dorothy is hanging the valance curtain.

Painting the undercoat.

Dorothy patiently making the curtains.



Painting is done.... it's time to put everything back up.



This is the finished product of both the living room and dining room. Well except to build a new dining room table.....but that's still to come!



This is the original kitchen and it's going to have to stay that way for some time yet. Oh well.








Guest Bedroom

Roy removing the cork board from the guest bedroom.

The new dry wall is on... it just needs to be painted.



Master Bedroom
Nothing has happened in this room yet. Stay tuned.




Upstairs Hallway

Looking Up

Sewing Room



Main Bathroom
No changes. Needs paint.

2nd Bathroom
No changes except for new tile floor.




What was once 2 separate rooms is now one big room. We turned this into the laundry and brewery where Roy, the brew master, does his thing.



The original 2 rooms.

It was quiet a challenge to dry wall this room. Nothing was square or even close.



Carol's work bench. Yet to be developed.

Our gear storage area. Will get to it one day.

Someday to be the workout room?



It was a pretty scary place with everything just thrown in the door. Dad came to the rescue and helped put in lights and build a shadow board. Roy was the planner for the shelves which certainly helped to get things off the floor. Still lots of work to be done in here though.









Roy's Office

The original office with carpet and fire place.



Movie: Carol removing bricks








Carol's Office

The original office.



For other hikes, bikes, and adventures, go back to the Staff page and look around.

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Credits: Photography and artistic design: Carol Guthrie.

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